The Art Of Healthy Living: Factors Which Are Important For Health


People often think well about physical health – nutrition, exercise, weight management, and more, but it’s much more than that. Health is the holistic combination of physical, mental, and mental well-being, nourishing the body, engaging the mind, and nourishing the spirit. This always includes the pursuit of health, but it’s more important to live life to the fullest and it’s a personalized approach to life and a way of life. allows you to be the better of your potential, your circumstances, and your destiny will allow.

Wellness requires self-control for ourselves and for those who care about us and for those who care about us. Rehabilitation is a professional and personal responsibility for ancillary professions like ours in veterinary medicine. We take an ethical commitment to our health and well-being to provide quality services to patients and clients. Self-care itself protects the people it serves, and according to the Green Cross Standards Guidelines, no circumstance or person can be a reason to ignore it.

Wellness includes 8 interrelated physicals, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, professional, financial, and environmental dimensions. It is important to pay attention to all the criteria, because over time, ignoring one has a negative impact on others, and ultimately affects their health, well-being, and quality of life. However, they do not have to be equally balanced. Instead, we should aim for the “personal harmony” that we truly feel. Of course, we have our personal preferences, views, and aspirations, including the idea of living life to the fullest.

Making the right choices for health and well-being can be difficult. Even if we know what is good for us and what is better for us, we may not act on it, or if we do, we may return to certain paths in our way. Human behavior – what we do, how we do it, and whether we succeed – is influenced by many factors, two of which are especially important in health: self-regulation and habits.


Self-regulation is the center for effective human activity. It is “the ability to direct our behavior and control impulses to meet certain standards, to achieve certain goals or to achieve certain ideals.” This allows us to act in our short-term and long-term interests by our deepest values. . There is only one limitation: self-regulation requires mental energy, and the brain is always looking for ways to save energy (ie effort).


The change will be much more accessible if you focus on who you are and establish a routine that uses your strengths, inclinations, and inclinations. Through self-knowledge, you can develop habits that are good for you. For example, consider the differences in daily rhythms. Circadian rhythms reflect our natural tendencies to fall asleep and wake up and affect our energy and productivity at different times of the day. If, for example, you decide to climb an hour earlier to exercise when you have a “night owl” rather than a “morning owl”, your success rate will not increase to improve your fitness. Self-knowledge includes knowledge of other aspects of a person, such as whether you are a marathon runner, sprinter, or progenitor; missing or excess buyer; a lover of simplicity or luxury; processor or opener; and someone familiar or news-loving. It also includes whether you are focused on promotion or prevention and want to take small or large steps.


Habits, on the other hand, require very little energy. As Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit: What We Do in Life and Business, says, “Behavior that can become any behavior is a behavior that we must spend time and effort consciously thinking and making decisions.” Thanks to the effectiveness of cognitive economics and habits, the brain can direct the power of self-regulation to important decisions in life and free us from thinking about the past and planning for the future. Habits are strong. When 40% of our daily behaviors are repeated in the form of habits, they shape our lives and ultimately our future. Usually, habits are a guarantee of health. For better or worse, habits have a profound effect on health, well-being, and quality of life. If you are trying to improve them, you need to think about habits, because if you change your habits for the better, you will change your life for the better.


People often think well about physical health – nutrition, exercise, weight management, and more, but it’s much more than that. Health is the holistic combination of physical, mental, and mental well-Read more